Admiral Ackbar
category: Jims Guatemala

ackbar.jpgAs I’ve mentioned before, we see some pretty creepy food items here. This evening we were eating dinner with the neighbors, and Lina (Galindo’s sister) sat down next to me. I like it when she sits by me, because she’s nice and funny and one of our bestest friends here. She makes cookies with Emily sometimes. Anyways, I look down into her bowl, and what should I see in it but Admiral Ackbar’s head. In miniature. About the size of a potato.

“Good god, what is that?” I thought to myself. Then I remembered that we were eating chicken soup. Logic demanded that it be only one thing: the chicken head, sans beak, with the eyes boiled out.

“Um, is that the chicken head?” I asked as tactfully as possible. She nodded her own head up and down vigorously, a huge smile on her lips.

And let me guess: “It’s your favorite part, isn’t it?”

Que si!” she responded emphatically. It gave me flashbacks to Lucy (her same-age aunt) asking for an extra helping of dragonflies in her soup the day I had to choke THAT down. Ugh.

Posted by: jfanjoy